Jewish deportees from Norway during World War II

During the Nazi occupation of Norway, German authorities deported about 768 individuals of Jewish background to concentration camps outside of Norway [1] . Between 28 and 34 of those deported, survived [2] their continued imprisonment (after completed deportation). Because the Norwegian police and German authorities kept records of these victims, researchers have been able to compile information about the deportees.[3][Note 1]


Before deportation

The deporation followed a series of steps to discriminate, persecute, and disenfranchise Jews in Norway. Jewish individuals were at first arrested, Jewish property was confiscated, Jews were ordered to report to local police stations and have their identification cards stamped with a "J" and fill in a lengthy form about their profession, holdings, and family. Based on the lists the police compiled, most Jewish adult men were arrested and detained in October of 1942, and by November 26th, women and children were also arrested for deportation. This is the only time in Norwegian history that Norwegian police had been ordered to arrest children. [4] [5] .

The deportation from Norway to concentration camps followed a planned staging of events involving both Norwegian police authorities and German Gestapo, Sicherheitsdienst, and SS staff, though the front for the campaign was through Statspolitiet under the command of Karl Marthinsen[3] [6]:


The deportation schedule for the major transports was:

Departure date Ship No of Jewish deportees Of which survived Route and destination
20-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 19 0 Docked in Århus, train to Auschwitz via Hamburg
26-Nov-1942 Monte Rosa 27 2 Docked in Århus, train to Auschwitz via Hamburg
26-Nov-1942 Donau 532[7] 9 Docked in Stettin, train to Auschwitz
24-Feb-1943 Gotenland 157 6 Docked in Stettin, train to Auschwitz via Berlin
Other, 27-Apr-1941 - 10-Aug-1944 Various ships 30 11
Total 768 28

Most of those deported were Norwegian citizens. Some were stateless refugees, and a few were citizens of other countries.

In addition to those Jews from Norway killed by the Nazis were deported to death camps (Vernichtungslager), at least 22 died in Norway by murder, extrajudicial executions, and suicide.[Note 2]

Age distribution of Jewish individuals deported from Norway

Age Number Percentage
0-5 16 2.2%
6-15 49 6.6%
16-25 121 16.5%
26-35 128 17.5%
36-45 104 14.0%
46-55 153 20.7%
56-65 112 15.2%
66-75 43 5.9%
>76 11 1.5%

Distribution of deportees by county arrested and transport

Jewish individuals who were deported included those with Norwegian citizenship, foreign citizens, and stateless refugees that were arrested and deported. The site where they were arrested was not always their place of residence; many had relocated to rural areas to avoid detection. The majority of those deported were immediately murdered in the gas chambers at Auschwitz; some were put to slave labor but perished soon after. A very small number ultimately survived[2].

County Donau Gotenland Kvarstad Monte Rosa Other route Totals
Østfold 2 2 1 4 9
Akershus 36 2 1 39
Aust-Agder 2 2
Buskerud 15 1 4 20
Finnmark 2 2
Hedmark 5 1 3 9
Hordaland 13 12 1 26
Møre og Romsdal 3 24 3 30
Nordland 6 3 4 13
Oppland 12 2 14
Oslo 395 41 23 17 476
Rogaland 5 5 2 13
Sør-Trøndelag 6 53 1 2 62
Sogn og Fjordane 4 4
Telemark 1 1 2
Troms 1 8 8 17
Vest-Agder 2 2
Vestfold 27 2 29
Totals 534 157 1 46 30 768

Liberation and return

Thousands of Norwegians were deported to camps in Germany and German-occupied territories during World War II. Most of those who survived were rescued by the White Buses campaign undertaken by the Norwegian government in exile, the Swedish government, the Danish government, with the Swedish Red Cross implementing the rescue with its good offices.[8]. This followed intensive efforts by Norwegian and other Scandinavians to track and maintain contact with Norwegian citizens in camps.[9][10][11]

By comparison, there was no organized effort to maintain contact with and establish the fate of Jews that had been deported from Norway. Four Norwegian Jews were rescued by the White Buses: Eugen Keil, Josef Berg, Harry Meyer, and Leif Wolfberg.

Of the 28 who survived, at least 21 returned to Norway soon after the war. The rest found homes in other countries.

Upon liberation, the few survivors were scattered across the camps:

As of November 30, 2009, Samuel Steinman is the only remaining survivor of those deported from Norway.


Individual deportees have been commemorated with stolpersteins on a number of sidewalks in Oslo.[13]

Notable deportees


  1. ^ Some discrepancies about the numbers remain. For example, German documents related to the transit of prisoners on the Donau indicate that 530 were deported from Oslo, whereas the list compiled by Ottosen (1992) indicates that 534 were on board, but this includes Helene Johansen and Mirjam Kristiansen, who were deported on the Donau, but on another date. Kai Feinberg, who was a prisoner on the Donau, was ordered to compile a list of prisoners at the time, and his recollection was that there were 532 on board. Mendelsohn allows that some individuals may have been counted twice, others may have been omitted. The list provided here is based on Ottosen's list, with annotations where these are available. It has been checked for possible duplicates based on name and date of birth. In most sources, the number of survivors is commonly cited as 26; Ottosen (1992) lists 26 individuals as survivors, but omits Harry Meyer, who was captured in the context of the Kvarstad incident, and Robert Savosnick, probably due to an error on his part; as Savosnick is listed as a survivor in the master of list of deportees. This list includes all those who the Nazi authorities considered Jewish. A few of these did not consider themselves Jewish. None of the available literature seeks to ascertain which of the victims were or were not Jewish according to halacha.
  2. ^ A smaller number of Jews and individuals judged to be of Jewish heritage were imprisoned under harsh circumstances in Norway during the war but spared deportation, either because they were married to non-Jews, did not fall under the Nazi criteria for being Jewish, or were citizens of countries not under German occupation. It also appears that Jews with Danish citizenship were spared. The deaths of Jews in Norway does not include those who died of natural causes that may have been aggravated by neglect or denial of adequate medical treatment.
  3. ^ Several sources cite the experiences of Eitinger, the Hirsch brothers, Paltiel, and Steinmann, including: "Buchenwald" (in Norwegian). White Buses Foundation. Retrieved 2008-07-25. , Paltiel's memoirs, Steinmann's interview, and the biography of Eitinger. Both Paltiel and Steinmann say that being left behind by the White Buses was the greatest disappointment in their time in captivity.


  1. ^ Mendelsohn, Oskar (1986) (in Norwegian). Jødenes historie i Norge gjennom 300 år - Bind 2 1940-1985 (2nd ed.). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. pp. 334–360. ISBN 82-00-02524-1. 
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Ottosen, Kristian (1994). "Vedlegg 1" (in Norwegian). I slik en natt; historien om deportasjonen av jøder fra Norge. Oslo: Aschehoug. pp. 334–360. ISBN 82-03-26049-7. 
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h (in Norwegian) Inndragning av jødisk eiendom i Norge under den 2. verdenskrig. Norges offentlige utredninger. Oslo: Statens forvaltningstjeneste. 1997. ISBN 82-583-0437-2. NOU 1997:22 ("Skarpnesutvalget"). Retrieved 2008-01-16. 
  4. ^ Nore, Aslak; Mørland (2011-12-04). "Unnskyldning fra høyeste hold" (in Norwegian bokmål). Verdens Gang: pp. 2, 3. "av alle nordmenn med "J-merket pass"" In this op-ed, Nore incorrectly writes that they arrests were based on J stamps in passports. As documented by Søbye, Ottosen, and others, the police generated arrest sheets based on lists compiled of Jews and suspected Jews. Further, national identification cards were stamped with a "J."
  5. ^ Søbye, Espen (2003) (in Norwegian). Kathe, alltid vært i Norge. Oslo: Oktober. ISBN 82-7094-926-4. 
  6. ^ Johansen, Per Ole (2006). På siden av rettsoppgjøret. Unipub. ISBN 978-82-7477-233-5. 
  7. ^ "26. november 1942 kl. 14.45: Skipet Donau forlater Akershuskaia, med 532 jødiske menn, kvinner og barn ombord."
  8. ^ "Specifikation över antal räddade/transporterade med de Vita bussarna ("Specification of the number of rescued/transported by the White Buses" (in Swedish). Swedish Red Cross.$file/Specifik.pdf. Retrieved 2008-07-15. 
  9. ^ Frafjord, Karine Næss (1999-05-19). "Intervju med Wanda Heger" (in Norwegian). Stiftelsen Hvite Busser. Retrieved 2008-07-15. 
  10. ^ Raimund Koplin, Renate Stegmueller (1994) (16 mm). Es war nicht ihr Krieg. Munich: Renate Stegmueller Filmproduktion, in co-production with BR/Munich, SFB/Berlin, WDR/Cologne. Retrieved 2008-07-15. 
  11. ^ "Hjort, Johan Bernhard" (in Norwegian). Retrieved 2008-08-28. 
  12. ^ Mendelsohn (1986, p. 181)
  13. ^


See also

External links

